Hey guys, today, we are going to look at some of the extraordinary carvings of the ancient Transformer temple.
What is this? It looks like a circle with some weird details, but when we take a closer look, we see something fascinating. There are 6 guys who are tangled up to form a wheel like alignment. Look at how each guy has put his legs on top of the guy below him. But look carefully, each guy has one arm hanging outside the circle, but inside the circle, see how each one is holding the next guy’s hand. Who are they and why are they doing this? If you observe carefully, you may be able to understand how they represent our six senses.
Look at this one, a very interesting carving. A pretty woman is putting a red dot on her forehead while looking at the mirror. Now, if you watch my videos regularly, you will say what’s really interesting, you have shown this type of carving a dozen times before, right? No this one is different. What she is holding is not only a mirror, but it is also a lid for the pot nearby. That’s why the sculptor has carved the pot nearby and look at the mirror, see how it is shaped  with those 2 grooves to fit on top of the pot. This is really fascinating, because today, we can buy water bottles like this. It is a bottle but the lid, has something fancy, like a mirror, like a tiny little game on top of it or something like that. But ancient Indians were doing the same thing many centuries ago, they had used two in one water bottles with a mirror on the lid.
Here, on these pillars you can see these warriors, at the top you can see these horsemen, and at the bottom, you can see these foot soldiers and helpers. This guy on the horse is a brave warrior, probably nobody can defeat him in the battlefield, but you know how he is gonna die?
Look at this guy, what is he doing at the bottom? Yes, he is going to prick him with a small needle like weapon. Why? What can this teeny tiny prick with a needle do to this horseman, right? That needle is smeared with a deadly poison that will kill the warrior in a few minutes. That’s right, the greatest of the warriors are not defeated in direct combat, they are destroyed by treachery, right? Look at how the guy is keeping an eye on the other helper making sure he does not see what is going on. In the other hand, he has another needle or pointy thing smeared with poison. He is going to go to another warrior and continue killing them all silently.
In another temple, I have shown you how one man is shown stabbing another man from the back, and that guy himself is being stabbed in the back, by another man. So there are many levels of betrayals and double crossings going on since time immemorial.
Here you can see a brave warrior pulling out his sword from the case or sheath. He would go toe to toe with his enemies. But what if his enemies are not humans? What if he had to fight animals in the battlefield? No, I don’t mean the horses or elephants, what if he had to fight animals like lions and tigers? 
And you may think, Praveen, this is weird, right? It is a battle field, its not a jungle, why would you find lions and tigers here? No, in ancient times, people used wild animals in battles. Around the world, people used leopards, lions and other big cats. In Cambodia, remember I showed you how rhinos were used in battlefield. We can see these evidences in carvings of Angkor Wat temple. And we can see lions, tigers and leopards used in battlefields. So when the enemy unleashes these crazy wild animals, how would you fight against them? Ancient Indians normally used swords to fight against other humans, but to fight these wild animals, you need a very different weapon.
You need a Katar. What is a Katar, right? It is a push dagger that has a very different handle from regular swords and knives. A person typically holds a sword using his palm sideways, while the Katar has a H shape grip, and this makes the Katar like an extension to your hand. Imagine the  advantage of the wolverine, right? Suddenly he gets an extra few inches of claws added to his hands, and that’s exactly what happens when you use a Katar, you get a blade attached to your hand. When you fought an animal in ancient India, the gladiator or the warrior was armed with 2 Katars, one in each hand. The biggest advantage of a wild animal like a lion or tiger is that it would have massive claws and reach into you, while human hands would be small with tiny nails. But when you have 2 katars hooked to your hands, you have increased your arm reach by at least one foot, and the end is not your soft fingertips, they are pointy blades that could stab the animal. Here you can see a warrior put one Katar in the lion’s mouth, while the other Katar is going into its underbelly. Now, it is extremely hard to kill a big cat by just stabbing and slashing it.
So there is a specific variant of Katars which helped the warriors. This is called a scissor Katar. It looks like a regular push dagger, but once you stab the animal, you can push a lever, and the dagger would open up and expose another blade inside. What’s the advantage of this? ancient Indians smeared deadly poison on the inner blade, which would immediately get into the animal’s bloodstream, and would kill the animal quickly.
If you go to antique shops in India, you can also find these hooded Katars, this part is the hood which has a covering to protect your hands. So in effect, if you used 2 hooded Katars, there is no way the animal could hurt your hands while you had all the advantages of stabbing its limbs. But there is one important part that is extremely vulnerable, the human head. Today people would probably use helmets or something, but what did an ancient man do when a lion was going for his head? That’s exactly what we are going to see here. This lion is just about to bite this man’s head off. What is going to happen next? He is going to die, right? No, look carefully at his face, is he.. smiling? Why is he smirking when a lion is about to crush his skull in one bite? May be the sculptor made a mistake here, right?  Let’s look at an other carving. A different carving, but the exact same scenario, the animal is about to bite this guy’s head, but again look at his facial expression. He is smiling confidently as though he is winning the fight. Why? Think logically about why he is smiling without going into strange theories like ancient people believed that they would go to heaven if they died in a battlefield, etc. We can find the real answer in the same temple.  Look at this carving, this man is fighting with a lion, he is using katars to stab the lion, but the lion has a distinct advantage, it has teeth that can bite  into the man’s head and kill him instantly. But what does the man do? He puts his hair into the lion’s mouth, and the lion is chewing on his hair. The lion cannot get to his skull, because he has about 12 inches of strong bundled hair in the form of a top knot, and when his hair hits the lion’s throat, it is just going to chew on his hair. And ancient warriors must have practiced this move during their training, because you need to have the presence of mind to do this clever move, when an animal is attacking you. Now look at that smirk on his face, he is smiling because his hair is saving his life. And he is going to win this fight. You guys always comment about why I have spiked hair, and now a beard, and I think you got the answer now. If I get attacked by a tiger tomorrow, my hair could save my life, I think. 
But ancient Indians may have also used a strange device to repel wild animals from attacking them. In olden times, how did ancient people go through forests without being attacked by animals? It is commonly believed that ancient Indians used mantras to drive animals away. But, were they just chanting mantras or were they using a device to make these sounds? Why am I talking about this, right? Look at this strange dumb bell shaped device in this guy’s hand. What is that? Initially I thought that this was just a pot of water, but there are other ancient carvings in the same temple which clearly show pots. I have shown you this water pot in other temple carvings as well. These are pots with a wide bottom  for holding water. Look at this dumb bell shaped device, it almost has a flat, thin bottom and the top is wider than the bottom, so it is definitely not a pot for water. These are not pots, they are dumbbell shaped devices and we don’t know what they are. Look at this one, what is that? It is really strange, and it has some kind of grooves and patterns on it. Is it some type of an ancient device to drive animals away? Remember, at the top you see the horsemen, and at the bottom, you usually see these footsoldiers fighting animals. This makes me think if these guys were using this device to repel animals. Interestingly, today, we use the same technology. Scientists have invented ultrasonic devices to drive away animals, you can buy this device and put it on your bike, and if a stray dog approaches you, it will sense that weird ultrasonic sound and run away from you. So my question is, did ancient Indians use something similar to drive animals away? because whereever you see these devices, you don’t see the animals. And whereever you see the animals, the guys are shown with Katars, and not these devices.
Now, let me show you this carving.  What is going on here? There is a woman at the bottom, and there is a guy on top. Is he giving her a head massage? It appears that the man is using some force and the woman seems relaxed, so may be he is giving her a massage. But look at these legs here. This is just weird, I mean why are the legs shown like this? Is he doing something else, what’s happening?
And look at this guy. Something is very strange about him. Look at his right hand, it is like a salute, but his hand is so twisted, and his palm is on his forehead. The left hand is shown supporting the right hand. And look at his legs, why is he having them crossed? What is the meaning of this carving? 
Let’s try to decode this carving ok? Very strange figure, it has the face of a horse, but it has the body of a human. On his lap, a beautiful woman is seated. Now how do we identify this figure? In his right hand, he has a chakra, and in his left hand he has a conch or shanku. These 2 things indicate that he is lord Vishnu. And this is his wife Lakshmi, you can see the lotus flower here, she is always shown sitting or standing on lotus flowers, and this confirms that she is in fact Goddess Lakshmi. This avatar of Vishnu is called Hayagriva, Hayagriva in Sanskrit means the “Horse Necked Being”. 
And if you are a Hindu, you may say I know all the 10 avatars of Vishnu, and Hayagriva is not one of them. According to some ancient texts, Vishnu has 24 avatars, today most Indians do not know this information, and most ancient temples also do not show the 24 avatars. Most temples only show the 10 popular avatars and the remaining 14 are almost never seen in carvings. But this temple is rare, it has all the 24 avatars.
Look at this one. Who is this?  You may be tempted to say this is the fire god Agni, or the Sun God Surya, because of the flames around him. But no, this one, again, is a rare avatar of Vishnu, you can see his chakra and conch. What’s the name of this avatar? This is called Yajna Avatar. Yagya means Sacrificial fire, it is very common to see these fire rituals in India, and this avatar is the personification of this sacrifice. I have not see this avatar in any other temple before.
And remember I showed you the rotating parts in the center of this temple and I called it the transformer temple? All these statues rotate, right? But did you notice this part? What is that? From the top view, it looks like this. Is that a head of an animal? And look on the 4 corners, you can see these carvings. What are they? They are legs. This is a turtle, and the entire square platform is sitting on top of the turtle’s back. This turtle is one of the avatars of Vishnu called Koorma. And according to ancient texts, Gods and Demons churned the sea of milk, and they used Mount Mandara as a churning rod, but at the bottom of the sea, they needed a firm base to support the churning rod, so Vishnu offered to help them and became a turtle. This is why he is firmly grasping the floor with his nails because he cannot move a lot. And the symbolism and why there are so many moving parts in the temple become clear once you understand that this is the story of the churning of the sea of milk.   
But look at this one. What is that? Is that an ancient aliens kind of being? Or is it a monkey? His face looks more like that of a fox. Look at that band on his neck, who is he and why is he sitting like that?  Can you explain this?
Praveen Mohan

Did Christianity Begin in India? Was the Cross Worshipped by Ancient Hindus?

Hey guys, today I am going to show you some solid evidence of the Cross, like the Christian Cross in ancient Hindu Temples.
In a corner of the main chamber, at the top of this pillar, we can see a strange figure. On its neck, it wears something strange. Yes, it is a cross. I am trying to show you as much as possible, but we can only see so much because of the darkness and height. Is it wearing a Cross on its neck, like modern day Christians? Is this evidence of Christianity in ancient times? I found this carving in the Sun Temple of Modhera, in the state of Gujarat. The carvings here clearly prove that this is a Hindu temple and Archeologists confirm that the Modhera temple was built 1000 years ago.
But when did Christianity reach India? According to Wikipedia, Christianity reached India as early as 52 A.D, that means Christianity has been in India for nearly 2000 years. But this claim is also heavily disputed by many historians who say Christianity was brought into India by Europeans in 15th century, making it only 600 years old, and this temple is much older than 600 years.
But I was still not satisfied that this is a cross. So I went to the Museum in the Modhera temple complex, trying to find more evidence. And luckily, I found exactly that. Now, you can clearly see that it looks very much like a Cross, like how Christians wear the cross in their necks today. This is a very rare find. See what it says, this figure is called Keechak, and this figure was carved in the 11th century, so it is a thousand years old. It was actually a part of the Modhera temple, the statue was placed on another pillar in the dark chamber and it got broken a little, so they moved it to the museum.
Of course, some of you may have a gut reaction to dismiss this evidence as fake. Or some will claim that these crosses were carved much later by Christians, to foist their religion on Hinduism, as a means of propaganda. But if Christians did this just for propaganda, they would have placed these figures in a bright, prominent place where everybody would look. Why would they carve them in dark, remote corner, at a height where nobody would look? Understanding and decoding evidences like this is very hard, so most people will just jump to simple conclusions based on their bias. But what if, this Sun temple at Modhera was compromised somehow, and both these statues were only a few centuries old. Do we see the cross in any other Hindu temple?
I found another carving in the ancient Shikanathar Temple, which is 1200 miles away from the Modhera Sun temple.
Is this a cross? Obviously, there is this raised rectangle or square, but in the middle we can see that it is clearly a cross, very similar to the Christian cross. Why is it carved in this ancient Hindu temple ? This temple is at least 1300 years old, this is long before European conquerers came to India. Right now, you are going to be struggling with cognitive dissonance, on one hand, most historians tell us Christianity came through European conquerers and spread very slowly in India, and we know that Christian symbols are almost never found in Hindu temples. On the other hand, I am showing you actual evidences of the Christian cross in Ancient Indian temples. This is like going into a mall and finding a beach, inside the mall. It doesn’t belong there, right? So you have to decide if the mall is fake or the beach is fake, but in this case, both of them are real.
Now, the history of the cross itself is very interesting. Believe it or not, the cross is everywhere, it is found on your keyboard as a plus sign. It is found on your chessboard on top of the king, etcetera. It is almost impossible not to see the cross on a daily basis, mostly because Christianity is the largest religion in the world.
Now you can say, okay Praveen, that is all fine, but did the Cross exist in India during ancient times independently, or was the symbol brought by Christians into India? The answer is Yes, the cross did exist in India more than 2000 years ago. The word for Cross in Sanskrit Language was Chathur or Chathvari. The word simply means four, the number 4. The earliest evidence I can find, is in the Brahmi Script, from 2nd century B.C, that is just a little bit older than 2000 years. And it is real easy to understand, how they wrote the numerals in Brahmi script. This is One, this is two, this is three and this is four. So the cross actually meant four and was called Chathur, perhaps this symbol refers to the Chathur Vedas, or the four Vedas.
Now, I consider this evidence as weak, because it is only about a hundred years older than the time of Jesus. So I started digging around, then, I found some real mind boggling evidence on the internet. They have found cave paintings of people worshipping the cross. Here you can see a gigantic cross, and there is one guy with raised hands as though he is communicating with it. This is found in the hills of Madhya Pradesh in Central India. Here is another one, from the same area, a giant cross in the center, and lots of people standing around the cross, as though they are praying. They have been found and dated by mainstream experts and they confirm that these cave paintings are pre-historic, made between 10,000 and 3000 years ago. So, even if we are super cynical and pick the the most recent timeline, these cave paintings were made 1,000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. So, People in India were in fact, worshipping the cross independently, for some reason. I would have never even imagined that ancient Indians would have worshipped the cross, as a part of some religious ritual.
In this video, I have shown you some solid evidences of the existence of the cross in ancient Hindu temples. And you also saw how the cross not only existed in India during ancient times, it was even used and worshipped in prehistoric times before the Birth of Christianity. But, do we know what the Original Indian Cross really meant? No. What was the original meaning and purpose of this cross? What God did it represent?

Praveen Mohan

WAIT! Did Ancient Builders Hide Secret Symbols All Over This Temple?

Hey guys, today I am going to show you some secret carvings that are hiding in plain sight. What do you see? Do you see a fish? Our eyes are naturally attracted to the pillars and the giant doorway, but if we look at this wall here.. we can see a fish carved on the wall. Why is it carved here? What could possibly be the reason for this?

The fish is not carved with great details, or polished, it is specifically carved vaguely so it is not visible to casual visitors. However, when we inspect it closely, it appears to be a fancy, ornamental fish, look at how many fins are shown, including the tail fin. Why did ancient builders carve it here? Is it some kind of a symbol or signal, but why is it carved in a place where nobody will look?

Here you can this beautiful monolithic pillar, and you can be easily be mesmerized by the details on the warriors, but 99% of the visitors will miss this pair of kissing fish. Why are they carved here? Look at the details on these fish, they are simply fantastic. But why would they be placed 20 feet above the ground, in a place where nobody is looking? What is the meaning of this?

I am zooming in with my phone, look at the tail, this is a pair of exotic fish, this carving is too pretty to be placed at such a height. What is the need to carve fishes all over the temple in this way? And why did ancient builders place them in a way that people will not notice these fish?

 Look at this one, but you are probably not even seeing it now, because you are only human. The fish are actually right there in front of you, but 99% of people will take a good look at this, but will completely miss these fish. It seems as though the ancient builders were masters of hiding things in plain sight by exploiting basic human tendencies.

Now, forget about documenting the symbolism or finding the meaning behind them, it is impossible even to find all the hidden fish carvings. How can anyone possibly expect a visitor to observe this fish.  I have visited this temple so many times, that’s why you see me in so many different outfits in the same temple. I have even grown a beard now, but every time I come here, I will find more and more fish carvings. A lot of them are hidden in dark corners. Why are there so many? There must be some reason for this, right?

But there is one detail I find very interesting in some of the carvings. You can see this raised rectangle, around the fish, is this rectangle just a border for carving or is it an actual container that has the fish inside.  Is this a fish inside a glass container, like how you would find a specimen in a biology lab to study its external morphology. If you look at various types of fishes in a lab, this is probably how you would see them. You would see the fish, but you would also see the glass container around it. And we can see this in many carvings in this area, especially with fish and other animals or plants. Were ancient Indians studying the types of fishes and classifying them, just like how biologists study them today? Today we see them put labels and arrows on them to point out some features. 

Here, we can see Two fish, one following another, but there is an arrow mark, a triangle marked between them. I mean what is that? The first fish’s tail ends here, but there is a triangle after that, like they are trying to mark its tail. And then there is another fish. And again, everything is inside a raised rectangle like a bottle or a glass container in a biology lab.

And here we can see this fish, it does not have eyes. And it does not have any features at all. Do you know there are several varieties of blind fishes in deep oceans and rivers? Look at this blind fish, no eyes, very little scales or colors. These are rare types that nobody can find unless you go deep into the water and research them. How could they carve a blind fish in this ancient temple? Again, was it displayed in a glass jar, for scientific purposes? Were they studying and documenting different type of fishes?

Here, you can see a carving of fish, it is so large, You can see all its features, various fins, dorsal and pectoral fins and its mouth and tail. In the next pillar, you can see another fish. Perhaps you think it is the same kind, but there are some differences, its eyes are popping out, unlike the previous one. On the side of this pillar, again another fish. At the back of the previous pillar, again another fish. But why? On the third side of this pillar, again another fish. A very odd thing to carve. Why would they just keep carving fish after fish in these pillars? Why is each fish different? I think they are showing us various species of fishes.

Look at this carving, this fish looks quite exotic, if we paint on it, they will look really awesome. This is like a pair of ornamental fish we buy for the fish tank at home.  In my mind, there is no doubt that the ancient builders were trying to document various types of fishes, and show them to us, like how we watch a video today, about varieties of fishes on animal planet.

But it is not just the classification of various types of fishes. Depending on your inclinations, you can find other things, like behavior and psychology. I think this why they carved one fish, closely following another fish. Some of you may think, they are fighting, or the fish at the back is trying to hunt and eat the fish in the front. But look at the size of this fish, a smaller fish is pursuing a larger fish. So they are not fighting, it is the opposite, this is called coupling, male fish will usually follow the female, in a coupling ritual, for mating. And it is precisely carved because the males are usually smaller and thinner while the females are usually larger, and the males always pursue the females. I mean this is just remarkable, how ancient builders must have studied all the little details of these fishes.

And here you can another behavior, 2 fish kissing, right? But it is actually the opposite, they are not kissing, here they are fighting. When 2 fish are kissing, they are most probably showing territorial aggression, like two animals fighting for their space. Of course, we are only analyzing these carvings from kind of a scientific point of view. If you are artistic, you will start looking at these carvings in a completely different angle.

For example you can see two fish, but they are not kissing, they are doing something else. They are sharing one head. If we hide one fish, we can pretend that this head belongs to the other fish, and we can also do it the other way, it is an optical illusion. Today, science, art, spirituality, they are all separate fields, but in ancient times, everything was mixed together.

I hope you enjoyed this 1300 year old  Wikipedia about fish. Of course, we never decoded, why ancient builders carved some of these in weird places where no one would look. Why did they do that?

Praveen Mohan

Ancient Egyptian Symbols Hidden in Indian Temple? Secret of Snakes & Pinecone

Hey guys, today, let’s go into this forbidden area of this 1300 year old temple, nobody has ever filmed this area, but it has some strange secrets hidden inside. Here you can see a snake, a cobra with its open hood. But the strange detail is on the top. It is shown with a crown or a headdress on top. This detail is never carved in Indian temples, because it is simply not a part of Hindu Iconography. But why is it carved in this temple, and why was it placed in a dark corner, hidden away from regular visitors?

But here is a 2000 year old artifact, looks almost identical to the carving right? A cobra with an open hood, and it has the same crown or headdress. But this not from India, this is an ancient Egyptian artifact. Coincidence? What about this one? Again, from ancient Egypt, a cobra with a crown. Again and again, we can see that snakes are shown with crowns in Ancient egypt. So how is this typical Egyptian Carving Found in India? But we shouldn’t jump to a conclusion just because we found one similar carving, so let us see if we find anything else here.

And just a few pillars away from this carving, we can see this carving. Intertwined snakes are common in Hindu temples, but there is a big difference, there is something carved in between them here. It is a little bit eroded, but there is definitely something carved between their hooded heads. I am using my phone’s flashlight, but this area is very dark, so I cannot decipher what it is.

The only way to find out what it is, is to find a similar carving in a bright area in the same temple. Here, look at this carving . Two intertwined snakes, and a pinecone like object in between, but the pinecone is placed on a stem. Immediately I am reminded of an Egyptian artefact, now displayed in the museum of Turin, in Italy. This artifact was supposedly made around 1200 BC, that means it is 3200 years old. And It shows the same details, there are two intertwined snakes, and there is a pinecone like object with a stem in between them. Now, what’s more interesting to me is the tiny little detail, both these snakes are shown with crowns or headdresses. This is the detail that really seals the deal. It is found on the Egyptian artifact, as well as this Indian carving. How can this Hindu temple in India,  have ancient Egyptian carvings? This temple is 3,000 miles away from Egypt. so how was such a connection possible during ancient times?

And what is this object in between the snakes? Is it really a pinecone? Or is it something else? Well, nobody seems to know the real answer to this, some even claim that this is not a real thing, this whole thing is just a mystical symbol. Now, let us explore some other carvings in these dark areas,   may be we can find more carvings and understand this better. 

We can see a lot of very strange, unexplainable carvings. But here, we can see these intertwined snakes, and on top, we can find the pinecone. The pinecone is above the heads of the snakes, but it does not have a long stem. So, it cannot just be a symbol, because it differs from the previous carving. So what is it? There, in a distance, we can see another carving. At first, it looks the same right, but as we go closer, we can see that, the pinecone has been inverted, and it has also moved below the head level of the snakes. What does this mean? Look at the second loop of the intertwined snakes, again you can see an inverted pinecone there too. What is this object? Why is it shown in different positions in different carvings? How is it connected to snakes? Are they really pinecones? Since India does not have any pinecones trees, how did ancient builders carve them here? Again, we can see the crowns on the snakes, clearly an Egyptian depiction.

And what is more interesting is that we can see all these details separately in an ancient Egyptian site called catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa. This is about 2000 years old. You can see the giant snake with the crown in the middle. On the left, you can see intertwined snakes, and on the right, you can see the mysterious pinecone like thing with a stem. Like Ancient Indians, Egyptians also depicted Snakes everywhere.

And Egyptians carvings and paintings also show Snake Whisperers. I know this may sound silly to you, especially since snakes cannot hear sounds,  and you may wonder if they have enough intelligence to understand us. But snake whispering was practised in Ancient Egypt.

And here in this Indian temple, we can see the exact same depiction of a snake whisperer. I have never seen this type of carving in an ancient Hindu temple, where a person is just sitting real close and talking to a cobra.  See how he is shown completely fearless and he is clearly communicating with it. He has nothing, no stick or anything, and Look at the size of the snake, it is almost as big as the man, it is a king cobra. Of course, you can think, this is nonsense, this can never happen in real life, these carvings are pure mythology, but that’s not true. Snake whisperers exist even today, they claim they can talk and even understand what the snake is trying to say, just like a pet dog. You can see these people handling giant king cobras, just how we pet puppies. Exactly the same depictions are shown in ancient Egypt as well.

So what do you think, is this all just a mere coincidence? Or do these carvings prove that ancient India and Egypt were connected? Why are these snakes shown with crowns? What is the real meaning of these intertwined snakes and the pinecone like thing? Why are these carvings placed in deep, dark, inaccessible areas? What about the snake whisperer?

Praveen Mohan

Impossible Rock Cutting Technology Discovered in Ancient Indian Temple?

Hey guys, I found a radical new stone technology in an ancient temple. Please observe carefully: Is this a megalithic structure, meaning is it made of many big stone blocks ? Or is it a monolithic temple, meaning is it made of just one rock? Believe it or not, It is a combination, the ancient builders have managed to combine both these construction techniques in this 1300 year old temple. This is the line where the megalithic construction ends and the monolithic architecture begins. It is very rare to see such a sight. You see this line, this is the magical meeting point. On that side of this line, you can see giant rocks added to build a structure, the technique of adding, the temple is made of multiple stone blocks, that is megalithic. On this side of the line, you can see tons of rock scooped out, the technique of removing was used to create a structure, , this side is monolithic. And both these construction techniques meet in this line. I have shown you giant monolithic structures like the Kailasa Temple, I have also shown you many megalithic temples. But to see both of them together used in the one single temple, This is extraordinary, I have never seen it before, and I don’t think anybody has found this detail, because ancient builders have combined them so smoothly. Only when you look at the beams and pillars, you start realizing the differences. This side, they are made of giant blocks of stone, you can see the joints. But look at this pillar, it has no joints, because it was made by removing the rock around it. When I look at the writings here, again I can see something very strange.  There are 2 ancient languages, Sanskrit and Tamil, combined in these inscriptions. You can see 2 scripts, side by side. This is a very strange combination because these two ancient languages are said to have completely different origins and experts claim that they did not coexist in ancient times, but here, you can see them used together 1,300 years ago. 

Of course, you may wonder, how did they put such a giant single stone block here, obviously they cannot move such a giant stone block and put it here, I don’t think. This is part of a hill, I will show you how it looks from the outside, and you can see that this structure is built joining the face of the hill. Megalithic here, and monolithic in the hill face. So this chamber was made by scooping out tons and tons of rock of the hill. And what is inside the main chamber?   There is a very large lingam, again it is also a part of the hill.  Even though we have flashlights, we cannot see the lingam clearly, only the outline is visible.

By the way, this place is very dark, and this is the best we could capture, eventhough we used decent flash lights. Only when I used the flash from my dslr, I could see the lingam clearly for a second. I will show you how this place looks with no light, it is almost pitch black, you cannot even see who is standing right next to you, so how did ancient builders manage to build such a structure? But it is not just the structure, it is about details. Look at this giant carving, may about 7 or 8 feet tall, look at the details carved on him, in this darkness.  Look at his belt, the buckle and the straps hanging on both sides.

On the wall, there are some strange symbols and writings. Experts have analyzed this, and confirmed that these are the oldest inscriptions about in music, found in India. It describes the 7 notes in Indian music similar to the DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA, and TI of western music. But why did they hide it in this dark area, and make sure no one can access such valuable information?

But let us get back to the construction techniques, ancient builders not only made this incredibe monolithic work, but they also made some insane megalithic work in this temple complex.

Don’t be distracted by that baby monkey, just look at my height, and look at the height of these pillars. Each one is at least 20 feet tall. And, they all have brilliant statues attached to them, but they are not attachments. Each statue is a part of the same stone block, this is solid granite. You can look for joints and see if these are made of multiple stone blocks but no, this is a monolithic pillar, but it is very irregular. The top is narrow, possibly just 2 feet wide, but as we come to the middle area, you can see the pillar transforms into a giant statue of a horseman, it can easily be 5 feet wide, and at the bottom that width is maintained. I have calculated the weight of this pillar, and it will easily be at least 10 tons, that is about 10,000 kilograms or 20,000 pounds. In this hall alone, there are 20 pillars, that’s a total of 200 tons, just for pillars. So imagine how they would have cut, moved, and placed them upright. I mean, even today, this would be a monumental task, to cut such large pillars and place them here. But it must have been easy for the ancient builders right? Because they have also carved insane amount of details on the same stone blocks.

Now here you can see this figure, riding a giant parrot, you can see some amazing details, for example, he is using a chain as a rein to control the parrot. The chain is really awesome, but that’s not the detail that surprises me, do you see what I see? Let’s go to the other side, to see if the other carving, also shows this little detail. And sure enough, you can see there is small hole right next to the parrot’s eye. That’s one of the ears of the bird, for hearing sounds. It is carved clearly on the bird, but do parrots really have ears? Well, no right? At least I have never seen them with ears. So is this detail just imagination? No, they do have ears, hidden underneath the feathers, and they are placed exactly in the same position as shown in these ancient pillars. So think about the intelligence of ancient builders, they were not only masters of megalithic, macro level construction, but they were also masters of micro level details.

Ok, so in this temple, I have shown you how monolithic and megalithic construction meet in a single line, Insane details on the monolith in the dark, extraordinary work and details of megalithic construction as well. But, there is something even better, there is a monomegalithic structure. I had to invent a new term for this particular stone block, that is just impossible to understand. It is so big that 50 people can sit on this block, and you can see this that it is cut in a hexagonal shape, with six sides. I can basically walk on this, and you cannot see any joints at all.

But why? Right? Why would they do such a monumental task, why can’t they just assemble smaller stone blocks, like normal people, right?  It weighs about 125 tons. How did ancient builders move this stone block from the quarry to this location? How did they transport it? Today, the largest trucks like 18 wheelers can carry only upto 50 tons, and this stone block is two and a half times heavier.  The axles of modern trucks will break, so how did ancient builders transport it? What kind of vehicles did they use to move it? This stone block must have also been placed here at least 1,300 years ago, and you can see that the newer generations tried to build around it, probably in the last few centuries, but they could only cut and place small stone blocks, these are undoubtedly new blocks, and even worse, they even damaged this part, while putting a pillar on this side, because these new builders were just normal people.

How did the ancient builders combine monolithic and megalithic technology? How did they achieve this level of perfection in macro level as well as micro level?  Is it possible to cut and move such giant stone blocks with simple tools and vehicles? Or were they using advanced technology? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section, I am Praveen Mohan, thanks a lot for watching, don’t forget to subscribe and I will talk to you soon. Bye

Praveen Mohan

How can they do this to Shiva? Harihara’s Unknown Secret Revealed

Hey guys, who is this deity carved in this ancient temple? Look carefully, is he Shiva or is he Vishnu?

It is a combination of Shiva and Vishnu in one statue. And if you put a line exactly in the center of the carving, we can see the stunning depiction, because the sculptor has carved everything related to Shiva on the left side, and everything about Vishnu on the other side. And these two gods are polar opposites, right? Shiva is simple, he has bundled his hair at the top. Vishnu however is sophisticated, he is wearing a long, ornate crown or a helmet. Even for tying his hair, Shiva doesn’t buy a hairclip, he uses a snake to tie his hair, but Vishnu’s helmet is adorned with precious stones.

The forehead is a very tricky situation, and the sculptor has handled it masterfully. This is Shiva’s third eye, sometimes even called the awakened pineal gland, but you can only see one half of the third eye.  What is the other half showing?

On the right side, you can see this strange mark. It is actually a half of Urdhva Pundra. What is Urdhva Pundra? It is a sign, people put on the forehead, worn by Vishnu and his followers. This is called Naamam in Tamil, and is still in practice by devotees of Vishnu.

The nose, you can see someone has cut off his nose, this is a deliberate act of destruction, you can see many statues of this 1300-year-old temple, their noses were cut off to make them look bad. We don’t know what valuable detail would have been carved on the nose. And some of you may say, Praveen, this is ridiculous, what information can be carved in a nose, it is just a few centimeters long.  

In my defence, look at the lips. If you focus only one the left side, you will see that Shiva has a somewhat serious face, he is known for his solemn demeanor. But, if you hide the left, and look at the right side, you will realize that Vishnu is smiling joyfully, because he is a happy-go-lucky person. Again, the lips, just a few centimeters long, but it can give us valuable information. If you speak to a plastic surgeon or a cosmetic surgeon, he will tell you the difference between the face of a supermodel and an ugly face is just millimeters. And this is exactly what the sculptor has done here, the sculptor was the cosmetic surgeon here, right?  Just by extending the lips a little bit longer, he has shown Vishnu’s cheerful attitude, while Shiva’s lips are shorter, showing a serious face.

And why are Shiva and Vishnu shown this way? I have photoshopped this, by mirroring the images on one side, this is roughly how a full-size Vishnu would have looked. And this is how a full-size Shiva statue would have looked. There seems to be some very deep subliminal information hidden in ancient Indian carvings.

Shiva must be shown as a Macho man, rough and tough, he can just take a shower, bundle his hair, wear anything and go to work. While Vishnu, is shown as someone sophisticated and gentle, somewhat soft and feminine. Now, he cannot go out unless he wears jewellery, and make up.

Shiva is a serious guy, a loner and an introvert, often prone to anger, and he can instantly burn you with his third eye, in a fit of rage. He also gets into trouble sometimes, because of his simple straightforward ways. Vishnu however, is an extrovert, externally he is always playful and funny, but internally he is cold and calculative, and even his battles and victories are devious and well planned. It is a strange thing to explain this, we can even see their personalities being reflected in Shiva and Vishnu temples. Shiva temples are usually serious, quiet places. Nobody is dancing and singing and no fancy festivities are entertained. The carvings in these temples seem to impose the seriousness in the minds of the visitors. The Vishnu temples, however, are brightly painted, and are usually full of happy devotees and visitors. Singing and dancing are encouraged. Even the main deities are usually treated differently, all Shiva gets is a bath, and then he gets ashes smeared on him. Vishnu, however, gets decorated with Gold, Silver and Diamonds. He gets dressed up in different ways on different days, enjoying his life to the fullest. This is why Vishnu is called as Alankarapriyan meaning lover of jewelry, while Shiva is called Abhishekapriyan, meaning all he needs is a shower.

 There seems to be some hidden, subliminal tone in ancient carvings, that is not understood consciously, but enforced at a subconscious level. There is a reason why Shiva is always shown with a bull, while Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, is shown with cows. The underlying symbolism is completely unnoticed by scholars even today.  Krishna is shown playing a sweet, melodious flute, soothing to everyone, while Shiva plays a damru, a beat that is almost a war cry. The ancient carvings and temples have a deep impact on our minds, and this not only subconsciously affects the religious people, it even changes the minds of tourists and casual visitors.

Now, look at the chest.  Vishnu is shown wearing an ornate metal necklace and a stylish armlet or a shoulder chain, all possibly made of gold. But Shiva, all he needs is stone fruits or drupe, and he can use them as his necklace and armlet. The followers of Shiva, wear these stone fruits even today.

I will let you decode the hands and the body, but on the right side, you can see that, Vishnu is literally fancy pants, right? It looks so stylish and see through. On the right side, you can see that Lord Shiva’s leg is bare, he is not wearing anything. There is a snake carved in this area, and here you can see the mystery of all mysteries. What is this strange object on his leg? Can you guess what it is? This is a bell, a cattle bell, we tie to the neck of cows or goats. In India, we still put it on livestock. But why would Shiva wear this cattle bell on his right leg? Believe it or not, this bell of Shiva is actually a hot topic of debate and experts in iconography and Hinduism have been arguing about this for more than a century. And this bell has become so controversial that, modern statues of Harihara, do not have this bell, instead only a snake is shown. But ancient statues of Shiva almost always have this bell. And in this ancient carving of Dancing Shiva, again you can see the cattle bell tied on his leg, and in his hand, you can see him holding another large bell. Why is Shiva always shown with bells and what can be so controversial about it? 

According to some experts, Shiva belongs to a lower caste in Hinduism. He is an untouchable, and he is homeless, a beggar, so had to wear this cattle bell on his leg, to signal everyone he was entering any house or even any street. They claim that all untouchables and homeless people had to follow this practice in ancient times. And you can see this bell distinctly carved, wherever Shiva is portrayed as a beggar with a begging bowl. Of course, some authors show this as proof that ancient Hinduism discriminates against different castes, and there was social injustice in ancient times, but they seem to forget an important point. The same Shiva is put in the sanctum and worshiped as the main god in the same temple. The so-called high caste priest has to touch the “untouchable” Shiva every day for religious rituals.  So obviously the experts are wrong, so the question remains unanswered. Maybe you can answer this: Why does he have a bell, tied to his right leg?

Praveen Mohan

The Twisted Mind of Ancient Builders – Kudumiyanmalai Temple’s Lost Secrets

Hey guys, today we are going to look at an ancient temple called Shikanathar Temple, located in a remote village called Kudumiyanmalai. This temple is referred to as The Unsolved Puzzle by experts, because of its completely unexplainable, and unrelated carvings. Today, I am going to try to solve this puzzle and I want you to join me in understanding what the ancient builders were doing.
Some have claimed that this temple is showing twin carvings. For example, there are 2 apes who are identical placed opposite to one other. There are 2 identical warriors placed in front of one another. You can see 2 beauties in the same way, and see many other carvings the same way. However, the theory that this temple is made of a bunch of twin carvings is also not accepted because in other places, there are non-identical carvings, you can see carvings like these opposite to one another, and they are not identical carvings and they don’t even look similar.
If we look at the carvings side by side, it gets even more confusing. For example, when we enter this 100-pillar hall, on the right side, you can see this beautiful six-headed God, called Karthikeya sitting on a peacock. But right next to that, you can see Narasimha, a lion headed deity killing a demon. There is no connection at all between the first carving and the second carving. And if you look on the left side, you can see the similar problem, here is the elephant God Ganesha and right next to him, you can see this fantastic carving of a 10 headed figure called Ravana. And these figures are not connected, at least most people think that way. And you can go on and on, for example there is no connection between Ravana and this female deity. So, this random array of completely disconnected Gods, is never seen in any Hindu temple. Not just in ancient temples, even when they build new temples today, they still follow a pattern of connectivity between adjacent carvings. I mean, you should be able to see them, like you see the consecutive scenes of a movie. They don’t just throw a bunch of carvings here and there, there has to be a rhyme and reason. And because of this complete disconnect in this temple, experts and even pilgrims just don’t come here, I mean it is human tendency to ignore things you don’t understand. Even worse, some people have dismissed these carvings as the work of pure madness.
But it is not the fault of ancient builders, it is our fault because we are not looking carefully, and we are simply, not as smart as them. But let’s try to get into the mind of the architect, let’s experiment. If you enter this part of the temple, let’s say the first deity you look at, is this one, the elephant God Ganesha. But then you are supposed to look on the opposite side, this is his brother, this God on the peacock is the brother of Ganesha. This is the connectivity; this is how the carvings are arranged opposite to one another. I am sure some experts have noticed this pattern, but when they looked at these 2 carvings, maybe they dismissed this theory. Here, you can see the 10 headed Demon called Ravana and on the opposite side, we can see the Lion Headed God, an avatar of Lord Vishnu. What is the connection between them? Most experts haven’t read all the ancient Indian texts, so they cannot see any connection between the two carvings. They are comparing a Demon to an avatar of God Vishnu. Who is the most powerful between the two? And more importantly, is there a connection between the two? The connecting factor is this demon, his name is Hiranyakashipu, who is getting killed by Lord Vishnu. It is mentioned in ancient texts that Ravana, tried to lift the earring worn by this demon, and he could not do it. Ravana couldn’t even lift the earring of this demon and this demon is being destroyed by Lord Vishnu. So, these carvings are placed opposite to one another to tell us how large and powerful Lord Vishnu is, when compared to Ravana. Even though both these statues are carved the same size, it is merely an illusion like how we see the sun and moon of the same size, even though the Sun is much much larger than the moon.
Okay, so if this temple is a video game, you don’t play like this, you don’t see the carvings side by side, you play in a zig zag fashion, right? No. There is another rule we haven’t learnt. Let’s go take a look at the carvings in a different area.
Here, you can see this carving. Can you identify this deity? He is half human-half turtle, you can see the shape of the turtle shell at the bottom. And right next to him, you can see this god, who is this? This figure is half human and half boar, look at his face, he looks like a boar. They are seemingly unrelated.
You have to see them like this, as soon as you enter the hall, first you turn to the right side, you can see this carving that is half-man, half fish. This is the very first avatar of Lord Vishnu. Now turn to the opposite side, and you can see the Half Turtle God, this is the second avatar of Vishnu. But, then, you shouldn’t go across in a zig zag fashion, you should see the one right next to it, this is the third avatar who is half boar, and then you should look opposite to the boar, this is the half lion form, which is the fourth avatar. And then look to the opposite, see next to him, and you can see the little man called Vamana, who is the fifth avatar.
So, we are not got supposed to play this game in a zig zag fashion, we are supposed to play it like the Retro Nokia Snake, in this fashion. I have analyzed hundreds of ancient temples and I have never seen this idea of placing these carvings in this snake like pattern. And because of this weird pattern, both experts and regular visitors have not understood most of the carvings in this temple and their connectivity to one another. So, people just don’t visit this temple simply because they don’t understand the pattern hidden here.
By the way, if you are not a Hindu, and if you are completely lost by these avatars, the easy way to remember the order of Vishnu’s avatars is Darwin’s Evolution. First, our planet was dominated by fish, next there were amphibians, then there were rodents, after that we had the big cats, then the world was dominated by various human like species, the 10 Avatars of ancient Indian texts is remarkably similar to the theory of evolution.
So now we know, as we walk around the temple, we are supposed to look at the carvings in a snake like, serpentine fashion. I am not going to bore you with how every carving is connected to one another, our YouTube community is very smart and can answer most questions.
And now, because I have discovered this pattern, it completely changes our understanding of these carvings. Because until now, people think, many of these carvings are just 2 identical carvings. Look at this carving on one side and this carving on the opposite side. What do you think? Can you see any difference between the two? You can easily dismiss them as the same deity, but since ancient builders arranged a pattern of continuity, they cannot be the same deity. So, let’s look closer, look at his hands, this guy has weapons in his hands, but look at this guy, unfortunately all of his hands are cut off except this one. But he is not holding a weapon, he is holding a lamp and you can even see the tiny fire glowing here. The fire is the key. Look at the hairdo on him, His hair looks like fire, like Flames, right? Who is he? He is the ancient Super Saiyan, this is figure is called Agni Veerabhadra, Agni means fire in Sanskrit, so he is the warrior of fire, who burns his enemies to death. So, who is this guy on the opposite side?
Look at this hand, how he is stylishly pulling out an arrow from the quiver at the back. He is just using 2 fingers to pull out the arrow, without even turning his head. This God is so stylish, that even his hairpins are shaped like lingams, you can see multiple lingam shaped hairpins. But the key detail is in his clothes, see here, you can see the human skulls on his clothes. The people who use skulls in rituals are called Aghoris, so we can identify this warrior as Aghora Veerabhadra, who decapitates his enemies and keeps their skulls as trophies. By the way, if you are not a Hindu and if you have sat through this and understood this, you should pat yourself on the back, because I have just taught you some very advanced Indic iconography.
In a similar fashion, we can now decode these 2 apes also. And you can see the ape’s body hair on this statue, it is remarkable how they achieved these curves on solid granite, it still remains a mystery. But these 2 figures are not identical, they have some differences, they are actually brothers by the names of Vaali and Sugreev mentioned in ancient Indian texts.
But some figures facing each other, don’t look similar to each other at all. But because we know that opposite carvings are connected, we can now unravel some interesting stories. Here, you can see this mother Goddess Parvathi. Parvathi is normally supposed to look beautiful and nice, but here she is actually angry, and you can see her eyes popping out and her fangs are coming out. Why? Let us look at the opposite side, who is he and what is he doing? He is her husband, Lord Shiva, and he has lifted up one of his legs. And look carefully, there is an earring in one ear, but on the other ear, there is no ring. Believe it or not, this missing earring is helping us crack the case. There was once a dance competition between Shiva and his wife. The competition began and other Gods started gathering to watch this. Shiva is known as the greatest dancer, the cosmic dancer of the universe, but surprisingly, his wife was able to do, every move he made. The crowd started to become bigger and bigger to watch this spectacle. He tried some of the complex moves, but his surprise, she was able to do them too. Unable to defeat her, Shiva played a dirty move, he dropped one of his ear rings on the ground, but he did not bend down to pick it up with his hand. Instead, he picked it up with his toes of the right leg, and then put it back in his ear without using his hands. Now, was his wife capable of doing it? According to ancient texts, she was flexible enough to do it, but due to her modesty, she did not lift her leg, afraid to reveal her body in front of everybody. And this carving captures it perfectly, see how she is looking down, as a defeated person. That’s why she is angry at Lord Shiva, she has lost the competition, but it was unfair.
So, you can see that we are now literally able to dissect each and every carving because we have understood how ancient builders have arranged the carvings in this temple. I’ll admit that it is a very strange thought process, to expect a visitor to go in a snake like fashion to understand these carvings. But once we understand this and follow this, it is just pure magic, now we can understand all these figures, who they are, and what they are doing, and how every carving is piece of this giant story, it used to be an unsolved puzzle, but now we have cracked the code.
I am not going to show you all the carvings, and how they are connected to one another, that video can go on for 10 hours, you know? So, I hope this video was of some value to you, and I hope it helped you understand the thought process of ancient builders.

Praveen Mohan

Were Humans Genetically Modified 12,000 Years Ago In Ancient India?

Hey guys, here we can see a 1200-year-old carving. You can see a lingam in the middle, that is surrounded by 2 intertwined Nagas. What is the real meaning of this? What is the connection between the lingam and these double helix strands?
In the same temple, you can see this carving. A man wearing a weird hat, his ears are gigantic, and his nose is also unusually large. You may think he is just doing Namaste, but he is not. He is actually displaying a cylindrical object in between his hands. The thing between his hands is long enough, that he is unable to join both the hands. He is definitely doing some important work, because look at these legs, he is wearing very thick shoes. Look at his shoulder, he is not bare chested, he is wearing a tight suit. And why have ancient builders highlighted that thing specifically? What is this thin cylinder between his hands, eerily reminding us of a test tube or a glass vial? What’s inside this?
May be the answer is found right above the carving itself. Is this a single cell, with a nucleus inside? I will be more specific, is it a human egg cell or an Ovum? If you compare this carving to a human egg cell, the similarity is striking. Is it possible that they were performing genetic engineering in ancient times? But perhaps this is just one odd carving that happens to be coincidentally carved here, right? No, the temple is full of such carvings, oddly resembling egg cells. Once we start to observe carefully, these carvings are found everywhere.

And we know in many ancient Hindu temples, we can see carvings of sperms. Sometimes the sperms are clearly shown swimming towards the egg cell and fertilizing it. In other carvings, we can even see a group of sperms swimming, racing against one another.
Or all these things, mere coincidences or Did ancient builders actually understand genetic modification?
Perhaps the answer lies in this temple itself. There is a specific corner in this temple called the Naga corner. This is dedicated to the Nagas, the Gods of fertility. When you look casually, it looks like a random array of statues, but if you look carefully, at the back row, you will see intertwined snakes, strongly resembling the double helix structure of DNA, and in the front you will see human like figures emerging out of these so called snakes. How can humans emerge out of actual snakes? Are ancient builders telling us about Humans and their DNA? Why does this ancient temple at Thirumayyam in South India have these strange carvings? Of course, we have to go back to the very first question: what’s the connection between DNA and lingam? In a previous video about the same temple, I showed you the mystery of the Cosmic egg, and how Lord Shiva may have landed here using this lingam as a pod. Is it possible that Shiva, brought this advanced technology of DNA manipulation and genetic engineering to our planet? When ancient texts mention that Gods created many varieties of plants and animals, were they actually talking about altering the DNA of various species?
The carvings in this area are weird. You can see intertwined nagas, a single egg cell, a strange twisted blob, which I will explain later and here you can see 2 fish kissing one another. This is actually a display of territorial aggression, much like how 2 sperms compete to fertilize the ovum. I find it fascinating that ancient builders not only carved microscopic things sperms, eggs and DNA, but also focused on a macro level, like reproductive behavior of animals and humans.

You can see carvings of various behaviors like Courtship, motherhood, Aggression, Conflict, and Symbiotic relationship between 2 animals, and I can show you on and on. But they are not just carved for beauty, they are accurate images where you can read the animal behavior like pictures in a biology book. For example, let’s take motherhood. This is just a calf drinking milk, from its mother. But look carefully, what does the cow do? The cow is shown allogrooming. Wait? Allogrooming? What is that? Modern zoologists have coined a fancy term for licking, it is called Allogrooming. But you can see how it is accurately depicted in this 1200-year-old carving and it is so fascinating that, when I filmed this cow today, can you see any difference? The calf is eagerly drinking milk from the cow, while the mother is fondly licking the calf. The carving is almost a photograph, that can be used in today’s zoology book. In fact, it is better than a photograph or a painting, because it is still standing after 1200 years.

But the question is, why did ancient builders document this animal behavior so accurately? Of course, you can say, come on man, sculpting is an art form, like painting. The artist saw this and carved it for beauty. If so, why is the same calf carved on top? Why is it carved separately, again with no activity, just showing its external anatomy? You can clearly see it is a calf, not a full-grown cow or a bull. Was it also just carved for beauty?

And this lack of attention to detail about connectivity is our problem. Here the peacock has started to eat this snake, here it is almost finished. Here you can see an elephant showing its aggression on a flag, here you can see a much larger animal showing its aggression on an elephant. But not an elephant, this is the same elephant that was angry in the other carving. Look at this armor. This is not a coincidence, the ancient builders are giving us valuable information, and we haven’t understood even 1% of these carvings. If I can understand this from analyzing a handful of carvings from this temple, imagine what we can do, if we do a full-scale research and analysis. This information is the real treasure hidden in temples, this is better than gold and diamonds.
Why are some animals aggressive, while others are passive? If we dig deeper, we realize it is mostly because of the genetic code or DNA. The major factor is not the size or circumstances. An animal like a stoat can chase and kill a rabbit that is 10 times its size. The rabbit still tries to run and even though there are so many rabbits nearby, they don’t do anything about it. This is all because of God’s work or DNA Manipulation.
We can see many weird hybrid animal and humanoid species in this temple. Until now, we have been dismissing them as pure imagination. Is it possible that these were genetically engineered species?

Here, we can see a lion, except it is not actually a lion. I am only calling it a lion, because that’s the closest species I can think of. The round popping eyes, the nose, almost a human nose, and a huge mouth with a very odd shape. But look carefully, it doesn’t have ears or earlobes. And of course, you can think that we cannot add human like nose or ears to another animal. But that’s not true, this mouse is a real mouse with a human like ear on its back. A great researcher by the name of Vacanti from Harvard Medical School was able to do this tissue engineering using stem cells, they called this the Vacanti mouse. This was done in 1996, that is 25 years ago, so imagine how advanced we are now. Actually, genetic engineering became so advanced that they introduced a bill in the US congress in 2005. It is called the ‘Human Chimera Prohibition Act’ preventing anyone from creating a hybrid of a Human and another animal. So, today, scientists can create a human hybrid with wings, if permitted by law. But were they also doing the same, during ancient times? Are these carvings actually showing Human Chimeras?
Are these genetically modified species? If so, can we find more evidence of this? Just look above this animal. What do you think? Is it also a cell? But it doesn’t look like a cell because it has multiple concentric circles, doesn’t it? We normally think an egg cell has an outer membrane and one nucleus at the center,
But look at this egg cell of a cat, it is surprising because, again, you can see multiple concentric circles. Is it a coincidence that we see such a carving above this genetically modified animal? Or, does it mean something completely different?
But we are not able to understand some of the carvings in the temple. Look at this one, just a complex blob with many beads and strings. We can find many such weird carvings in this temple. Here is another one, it looks similar but it is not identical. This is not an animal or a human, nobody in this place, not even the priest is able to explain these carvings. They will just call it a beautiful, meaningless pattern. But it is not even that beautiful, why are they found all over the temple? What do these weird things mean?
When we talk about DNA, we normally think they are just double helix strands, but today we are able to analyze them deeper and deeper, and it is actually much more complex. When we magnify more and more, everything just looks like beads and strands everywhere with no rhyme or reason. It doesn’t look beautiful, there is no symmetry and is very difficult to explain it, just like these carvings.
Are these carvings actually showing us a magnified version of DNA and protein? If not, what do they mean? What is the meaning of the lingam inside these double helical strands? Why did ancient builders accurately record the behavior of animals? Is he holding a test tube? And is this an egg cell? Most importantly, are we humans, natural beings? Or were we genetically engineered?
Praveen Mohan


Hey guys, today we are going in search of a very mysterious cave in a hill called Aalurutti malai. You can see the arrow mark that tells us to go through the gate, it gets less than 5 visitors a year, but some people claim this cave has 5000-year-old carvings. The area, even though protected by archeological department of India has thick overgrown bushes making it nearly impossible to go through. And, suddenly, you can see some carvings at a distance. We can see 2 carvings on the rock face, and a huge cave underneath.

Who are these 2 figures? Lord Buddha? It is very hard to identify them when you look at it from the ground level, they are carved at a height of about 20 feet. First, I am going to remove my shoes and then, we are going to use a drone to observe the details.

These are not Buddhist carvings; these belong to an ancient religion called Jainism. The central figure in this rectangle could be Lord Mahavira, in deep meditative state. On the sides, you can see 2 attendants holding something weird. What are they? Archeologists say this is a fly-whisk, called Chamara, very similar to a hand-made fan. Perhaps this is a convincing theory because today, some people use fly whisks in religious sites.

But your eyes may be naturally attracted to these animals, they look like Chinese dragons, right?  On the left, there is a smiling dragon, and on the right, this one has an angry face. They are definitely not lions, because they have horns. But there are 2 more animals hiding in this carving. Can you tell me what they are? Yes, there are 2 snakes carved on either side of the chair. You can also say it is a 2-headed snake sharing one body. But you can see feathers on the head here. On the other side, you can see the same detail, a feathered snake’s head. The feathered serpent is not only worshipped in India, but also worshipped by Mayans of Mexico. This Mayan God is called Kukulkan or Quetzalcoatl. And in many Mayan sites, you can see the exact same iconography, where a feathered snake’s head alone is carved, with an open mouth. 

On the other side, you can see a smaller figure, this is another Jain prophet, an enlightened being in deep meditation, but the attendants are on a lunch break and have left the fly whisks here. But I am very very confused by these carvings, and you should be too. Why?

Imagine you are the ancient sculptor, how you would start the carving process?  Let’s say I ask you to carve something on granite, which is one of the hardest rocks in the world. And you cannot use modern tools, because according to mainstream archeologists everything was done with primitive chisels and hammers. On top of this, you have to carve them at a height of 20 feet, on a hill, that has such a rough, uneven surface. On the bottom, look, do you see an even flat surface, to at least set the ladder properly? Now, let’s say you place a wooden ladder somehow, but to carve these figures accurately, you have to hit them hard with chisel and hammer. Will the ladder still stand erect, or will it fall? What you are seeing here is nothing short of a miracle, in my opinion.

But there is another fascinating detail we missed. First, they cut out the top layers of the rock face, they peeled off the rough skin of the rock. Actually, they shaved the top layer to a depth of 3 inches. Why?  Because on the Inside, the rock is Usually much smoother.  You can see this by observing the sides. Then, they have made 2 more rectangular depressions and then started sculpting these figures.

Are there more carvings inside the cave? This is a large cave stretching for more than 60 feet long, and at the entrance it is about 8 feet tall, and it narrows down as you go deep inside. Is it a natural cave? Or was it made artificially?

At about 10 feet height, you can see this mysterious line. This is where you realize that most of the natural rock has been carefully worked on. It is not just about carving a line on the rock. Above this line, the rock is thicker, it is at least an inch thicker, and everything looks rough. Below the line, they have shaved, or peeled off some of the rocks’ skin to make it into a depression. See how smooth the cave looks after this line.  Why did they do this? Archeologists call this a drip ledge; they say ancient builders made this to prevent rain water from going inside the cave. If it rains, water will drip to the ground in this line, it will not go inside, because water cannot move past this elevation. This is exactly why we put a canopy over the door, otherwise rainwater would come into the house. You can see the tool marks clearly here. What you are looking at is an ancient canopy. But is it really for water dripping alone, or were ancient people doing something else with it?  Why does this canopy stretch throughout the entire cave, not just through the length, but also through the entire depth of the cave? Why does the color look reddish on the ceiling? Who are these ancient builders? As we search this area, we can see something very interesting.

So, here you can see some ancient inscriptions they must be at least thousand years old. This is written in ancient Tamil language, surprisingly even though there is a lot of deterioration, you can see lot of damage, mostly I think it’s a natural damage, but we can still read this. Let’s see what we can gather from these inscriptions, let’s see if I can still read this thousand-year-old letters. one thing we can do, is read this one, it says Thirumanmalai, I think this is the name of this place, “malai” means hill or a mountain and I think name of the place should be Thirumanmalai, I can’t read the rest of that, you can see that’s gone. Let’s see what else we can read here. Here you can see something. It says but not sure if this “Sa (or) ka” “kalapuramana kulothunga shodapattan

I can read the first word here, it says Sundarapandian, the name of a king who ruled around 1250 A.D. In these types of inscriptions, the first word usually denotes the king who ruled at the time of inscription. This means the inscription and the Jain carvings were made around 1250 A.D, approximately 750 years ago.

There is a strange optical illusion in these writings. See how these letters appear raised above the rock surface? Look carefully, are these letters raised above the rock surface? Or are they like normal inscriptions that are etched, causing a depression? They look like pop up letters from some angles, and normal etchings when viewed from other angles.

We haven’t even stepped into the cave yet, so let’s go in. What were the Jains doing in this cave during ancient times?  Are there more carvings of Jain Gods inside too?  It’s really weird because, they carved the Jain Gods at a difficult place outside, but inside, where it would have been easy to carve, there is nothing.  It is empty, but we can see some strange things on the floor. You can see a rectangle carved here. This is clearly man-made work. Again, at a distance, another rectangle. You can see one more. Inside these rectangles, the rock surface has been polished, making it smooth. Because they look like beds, experts call them “Jain Beds”. They think that Jain Monks slept here in these stone beds. However, this theory raises several questions. If they had such skill to carve on granite, why did they live in caves? Why did they not build houses and sleep there? Let’s say they are monks and did not care about comfort. But then, why did they carve these beds, why couldn’t they sleep on the natural floor? But let’s say these are beds, right?

What about this one? How can you possibly use it as a bed? I mean the bed, it has a bump right in the middle, and these 2 depressions are too small, you will not fit in either one of them.

Here too, you can see this rectangle, but there is a bump right in the center. Will you fix a huge iron rod in the middle of your bed permanently? That would defeat the purpose of any bed. They have definitely done something here, but we don’t fully understand what is going on.

Let us explore the cave and see what else we can find. This is a very strange cave with an unsettling vibe, your stomach may start to churn as you explore deeper. The cave looks natural, but the way it slowly narrows down as we go deeper and deeper makes us think if it was created deliberately this way. And then you can see something else, a lot of tiny little stones, they look smooth like pebbles, they have been put here. Immediately we can see that they don’t belong here, they must have been put here in recent times. Why? Are there some secret tunnels here that lead underground? All around the world, ancient underground chambers are being discovered. Is it possible that there are entrances to such chambers here? Who covered this up and why?

But wait, what is this? This changes everything we learnt so far, about this cave. You see a series of concentric rings here? Do you know what they are? Here, you can see another one. Wow, this is just fantastic, isn’t it? Believe it or not, archeologists and historians are still arguing about these things. They are called Cup and Ring Marks. And these marks were done in prehistoric time, this means, it goes way back beyond ancient times. The oldest Cup and Ring marks in the world is 8300 years old in Israel. In case you don’t know, these Cup and Ring marks were made by prehistoric people, that means it was done by people who did not know how to read or write and did not have an organized religion like Jainism or Hinduism. That means the cave was not only used by ancient builders, but prehistoric cave men were also using this cave. Prehistoric time is any time that is older than 3200 years or 1200 B.C. The cup and ring marks could be 5000 or even 10,000 years old, but we can confidently say, it is at least 3200 years old. This is a big change, because initially by looking at the inscription we thought it was inhabited only 750 years ago.

But an important question would have popped into your mind.  What is the purpose behind these things? Is there a specific reason behind these carvings? And it is not found only in a specific country or a continent. These marks are seen scattered all around the world in different places. These

so called Cup and Ring marks, nobody knows why prehistoric people carved them. Archeologists actually agree that they don’t know how prehistoric people used these things or what they were doing with it.

This is a classic example of the unsolved mysteries in archeology, today we think we are so advanced and people think they have figured out everything. But we don’t even understand why cave men around the world were carving the same concentric circles. To escape this question, of course, experts can blame it on superstition or art or some primitive religion or something. Or they can say, prehistoric men were like Monkeys and they were just doing mindless circles.

When I walk around the cave, I can understand why ancient builders carved these 2 jain figures at a 20 feet height. If they had carved them on the floor, they too would have been covered in goat poop. Around the world, these carvings would have been considered national treasures, but in India, there is very little regard for ancient and prehistoric structures, and that includes the general public.  India is so rich in culture, that no human comes here, but it is open for herding goats and cows. 

But if cave men made these cup and ring marks here, they would have left behind another important evidence. If we see cup and ring, we should see also see cave paintings. This would be the perfect place for cave paintings with overhanging rock like a flat roof. Let’s go take a look and see if we can find any cave paintings.  It is very hard to look because the entire ceiling is covered with grafitti.

See you can see these are all new English writings. But there you can see something very strange

So, here you can see this, this kind of an animal man, I think. So, the face looks like a triangle, almost looks like a horse. And you can see the body, it’s very unclear. Because this has been destroyed, but you can clearly see, these two legs and the head there. A large triangular head, does that mean anything? Does that mean it is an extra-terrestrial or an alien? We don’t know. But we can clearly see that triangular head, the body, the hand is almost like this, putting it on his hip, may be. I don’t know what is happened to his other hand. And you can see the two legs. Hmm… that’s very strange.

Now you can see that this is deteriorated quite a bit. You can see this new graffiti…. This is M A. These are all new letters. Ah… but cave paintings are usually not done like completely alone. You will never just see one painting. So, there should be more. So, let’s see if you can find some more.

So here actually there are more cave paintings on this side. And these looks very interesting. I don’t think I can make out what these are. I will have to see what these are. These look quite complex and you can see some very strange humanoid type of figure. Very odd.

It looks like a winged Alien, doesn’t it? You can see the outstretched wings and a large head. This definitely does not look human, he looks like a bird-man. Why did prehistoric men, who lived more than 3200 years ago, make such paintings? Around the world, cave paintings are recognized as the earliest art forms, usually showing various animals and men involved in simple activities like hunting. Archeologists and historians agree that these are the most realistic depictions of prehistoric life. When they see these paintings, they claim, they saw these animals, they saw these people, and they lacked imagination, so they just painted what they saw. But does the same logic also apply here? Did they see a flying humanoid? Did they see a large figure that had a huge triangular head? When you show them these paintings, experts will make a U turn and say… no..no.. these must have come from their imagination. Or even worse, they have another perfect scapegoat. Religion. Mainstream experts will say it must be a headdress worn by a priest or this must be some type of a primitive religious ritual, etc.  Strangely enough, the “Bird-Man” paintings are found around the world, and we just do not know what they actually depict.

But I want to tell you something very important if you ever decide on visiting this cave. There is an easier way to reach this cave, you don’t have to go through the bushes like I did.   I did not know that there was another gate right in front of the cave, and I could have just walked through this gate.

Praveen Mohan

This Cosmic Egg Reveals A Shocking Secret of Shiva

Hey guys, imagine a giant rock like this, an egg shaped rock which is standing at a 10 feet height from the ground level. You cannot even touch it, and it looks shiny and smooth like an egg. What if I told you there is a secret chamber hidden inside this rock? It would be an insane theory, right? But this is exactly what happened a few centuries years ago. It looked just like this, and then, because of an earthquake, a stone door cracked and fell down. Only then, the locals realized that it had a chamber inside. The door was so well made and it was perfectly fit in the doorway, that nobody could even recognize it was a door.  They had to put a ladder, now they have put this metal ladder, but I am sure at that time, they would have put a wooden ladder, and climbed up, and this is how they discovered this chamber. No one knows when this chamber was originally created, there are no inscriptions pointing to the origin of this chamber.  

Now, before we analyze the exterior further, let’s go take a look at what is inside. There is only one thing inside today, a single lingam. It looks fascinating, a very nice cylinder sitting on a square pedestal.  Who made this lingam, carried it, and placed it here? No one. See normally people put things together, and make them into a shape and then place it in a certain location. This is the positive construction technique. But this lingam was made with a negative construction technique. The lingam is carved out of the bedrock itself. Meaning that the lingam was not built, rather it was created as a left over by scooping the rocks around it. So, we could call it a negative lingam.

I think that originally, there must have been other items inside, because there is no reason to hide and seal this chamber if it only had this lingam right? May be it had gold and diamonds, perhaps some advanced machines or devices. And you may ask: Why would they find some sophisticated devices here, right? How do you suppose they created such an advanced secret chamber that lay hidden for many centuries? Such a construction would be impossible without advanced technology.

See when you look at the entrance, it becomes quite clear that the door was very well planned and executed. On the outside, you can see many slots. These were set up for the door to fit perfectly. Look at these 2 square holes at the top, there is no doubt that this was for fitting a door.  You can see fresh concrete patch on the left side, destroying the authenticity of the structure. But on the right side, you can see that the rock is untouched. There are multiple rectangular grooves, in the doorway, such complexity is necessary, only if you want to make an undetectable door with multiple locks. I find the ancient builders very interesting. First, they wanted to make a chamber in a place where no one can reach, but they did not build it, they carved it out of the hill itself. Next they put a stone door to hide the fact that this chamber was ever created. WHY? Why was it built as a secret hanging cosmic egg?

Now the question is, are there any more secret chambers here, in this hill, hiding in plain sight? You know what I mean? This just looks like a natural rock, and we are all still thinking that this is just a rock and it doesn’t even occur to us, that it could have hidden chambers with rock doors. But what if there are more secret chambers in these areas?  Look carefully, do you see anything?

This is a unique site, by the name of Thirumayyam in South India. I find it very interesting because today, people think of this as just a fort, built about 300 years ago. Of course, you can see this 300 year old fort and you can even see cannons put in the last few centuries, but site dates back to a much older time. The hill houses several temples mentioned in ancient Indian texts, so it goes back to more than a thousand years. And we know that this chamber was discovered centuries before the fort was constructed. 

Secret chambers with undetectable doors have been discovered in many ancient sites, including the pyramids of Egypt. They have found several hidden doors in ancient Indian temples also, leading to some spectacular findings.  What were they hiding in this chamber? Huge piles of gold and diamonds like the vault of Padhmanabhaswamy temple?

But, what if, this line of questioning is wrong, what if the actual thing they wanted to depict and protect was just the lingam itself? What does this lingam, or any lingam actually represent? Historians, philosophers and religious experts have been arguing about this for many many centuries. The most popular theory is that, this is a phallic symbol, a symbol of manliness. Another one is that, this shape, is a symbol of Lord Shiva, or energy.

However, I think all these theories are just modern interpretations, and the real answer to the meaning of Lingam can be found in this ancient temple of Thirumayyam itself. Inside the main chamber, there is a fantastic lingam, but right opposite to it, you can find the answer to our question. You can see that the lingam opens its doors, and out of this cylindrical pod, a majestic figure emerges. Who is he? He is none other than Lord Shiva himself. So, what is this lingam? Does this look like a phallic symbol or a form of energy? No, if you look again and again in ancient carvings, you can see Shiva coming out of the lingam. This is why Shiva is called Lingodhbhava, meaning the one who came from a lingam. And it is interesting to see that in some later forms, they tried to depict the lingam as a phallic symbol. Why? Because humans are going to associate anything with their private parts, that even remote resembles a sex organ. Even fruits are not exempt from this now. Remember when Jeff Bezos launched his New Shepard rocket, instead of talking about how advanced this technology is, the joke about the phallic shape of the rocket was trending on the internet. Major TV shows and memes took over, Some people were even joking that japanese tvs blurred the top portion during the rocket launch.

So it is not surprising to me, that people automatically associate lingam with a phallic symbol, and it is not just recent experts that did that, I am sure humans who lived centuries ago, also connected this symbol with masculine energy. 

But let’s just try to imagine, what would happen, if Jeff Bezos goes to another planet, and lands on that planet using a similar rocket. And let us say, there are very primitive, but human like intelligent species living in that planet. What would happen? As these cave men are looking, an astronaut opens the doors and comes out of the rocket. What would the cave men think? Is it possible that the cave men would think Jeff Bezos is a God who has come from the heavens? We not only think, this may be the case, we have actually seen this happen on earth itself. During World War II,  many allied soldiers occupied remote islands where tribes lived a simple lifestyle. When these soldiers were airdropped into the islands, the tribes were shocked that these “Gods who came from the sky” could make fire in an instant, and had unlimited supply of food and drinks. After the great war was over, the forces just left these islands and went away. But you know what the islanders did after the soldiers left?  When anthropologists visited the islands after 20 years, they were shocked. The tribes had made wooden models of airplanes and were worshipping them. The islanders carved headphones from wood and wore them while sitting in fabricated control towers. Every evening, they lit lamps in these “Vimanas” and they even lit torches to light up the runways hoping these Gods would return.

But something even more crazy, happened in an island called Tanna. They started to make idols and worship a God. His statues and masks for dancing rituals, are still there in this island today. What is this God’s name? Lord John Frum. Yes, the God’s name is John Frum and he is clearly a western soldier who got stationed in this island for several months during the war. And during his free time, he helped the islanders learn new technology like making fire quickly and building houses.

Now, is it possible that this also happened, on our planet, many thousands of years ago? Did Lord Shiva come from a distant planet in a spacecraft and land on earth? Did he help humans get civilized?

Is this why, he is shown with advanced devices strapped on to him, today we think of them as ornaments, but he is clearly equipped with many tools and gadgets. And look, he is clearly wearing a skin tight suit, because we cannot see his bare chest. What is more interesting is the 2 hands, the sculptor has clearly carved one hand inside the pod, and the other hand coming out of the pod, to show that this lingam is in fact a physical, cylindrical structure, out of which Shiva is coming out.

So, why did Shiva choose this part of the continent to land, why did he choose Southern India, of all places? Now, if you talk to the people in this town, you will get a very odd answer. They claim that this the holiest place in all of earth, they will tell you, this is the center of the planet. And that’s why this place is called Thirumayyam, it simply means ‘The Center’ in ancient Tamil language. 

This is a weird theory, right? Because how can planet earth, which is roughly like a ball, have a center? So, it is kind of superstitious to think that Lord Shiva, analyzed this ball from the space, and chose to land in South India. Why not North India, or Africa or America? 

But I think this is not superstition, but science. This is the earth’s map showing gravity. I always imagined the gravity would be pretty much the same, all over the planet. But no, it has a lot of anomalies. Look carefully, this dark blue area, is the place with the lowest gravity, on the entire earth. This is today’s Sri Lanka and South India, the place where Shiva is worshipped very heavily, and there are several temples in this region claiming that Shiva landed there. One other place is Gudimallam, also recognized as the oldest Shiva temple, take a look at what we find here.  This is Lord Shiva but what’s behind him? What do you say? It is remarkably similar to Blue Shepard Rocket, and of course you can see why many experts think this is a phallic symbol. The largest number of carvings of Lingodhbhava, the form where Shiva is coming out of Lingam, is found in South India. It is fascinating, because even today, a strange slogan is chanted in Tamil language in these temples. They chant ‘Thennadudaiya Sivane Potri’ meaning Hail Shiva who ruled South India.

Did Lord Shiva physically come down from the sky and rule India? Or are the ancient Indian texts merely telling us fictional stories? Did he teach and civilize human beings?  Is the lingam a spacecraft, out of which Shiva came out? Or does it mean something else?  Was South India chosen for such landing, because of gravity? What about the Cosmic egg and the hidden chamber?

Praveen Mohan