Evidence of Ancient Medical Technology. Are we a product of Genetic Engineering & DNA manipulation?

Hey guys, today I want to show you some radical, groundbreaking evidences about ancient India & its technology. 

Here is a carving found in an ancient temple. It shows something mind boggling, a sperm approaching an ovum, just prior to fertilization. But this sounds nonsensical, because we know that human fertilization process was only discovered in the 19th century. But this ancient Indian temple built more than a thousand years ago, so how could they carve a sperm and ovum, looking like this, without a microscope?

Of course, some will argue that this is something else, a snake eating an egg. Some will argue that this Rahu from Hindu mythology, he is known for eating the Sun or Moon, causing the eclipse. Quite an interesting story from Hindu texts, except that this explanation conveniently avoids telling you that Rahu is only Half snake, his entire upper torso is always shown Human-like with full facial features.

Here is another ancient carving from another ancient temple. Again, this is clearly a sperm, fertilizing an ovum. This is how it originally looked until the last 5 years, and the temple has decided to paint it recently. Sorry it looks like this now; I like the older look.  And One detail of this is that, you can see that the sperm is smaller, and the ovum is larger. If this is a snake, there is no way it can swallow this. If you look at the actual videos of snakes eating eggs, you will not even consider this as a possibility.  And this is not even a snake, because it doesn’t have any head or scales. If you notice Hindu temples, they carved the details perfectly, they carved scales, they carved tongue, they even carved rows of teeth inside their mouths, which most of us today, don’t even know they have teeth like this. If, this is in fact a sperm and ovum, and ancient India was far ahead in advanced technology, shouldn’t they have documented what happens after fertilization?

In another ancient temple, you can see something even more strange, a single cell. It is unmistakable, because it looks circular, like an egg cell, with a round nucleus at the center. So, what happens when a sperm unites with this egg cell? A new life called Zygote is formed, and it starts to divide rapidly, The fertilized egg starts to split.. into two cells. Again, this is clearly shown in the same temple, in the same place. Then, it starts to split into four cells. Again, this cell division is also clearly shown in the same temple, side by side, as though they are giving us a step by step explanation of the process.. Then the cells start to become a blob and slowly starts to look like a human after 8 weeks. Now, this is called a fetus.

Now thus far, you have definitely wondered, is this all true? Or is this something else? If this is really true, if they studied the fertilization and cell division, then there should be carvings of fetus inside the womb, right?

In a temple called Kundadam Bhairavar temple, there are carvings showing fetus, with the umbilical cord attached, clearly in the fetal position, just like how we are able to see them with advanced technology now.  There are other carvings showing stylized form of the human fetus as well. I have personally visited this temple to film this, however I was told that photography has now been banned. But I have seen them with my own eyes and confirm that these carvings are there in the temple, but the pictures I am using are from the internet.  But this is not the only temple which shows the fetus. In another ancient temple, in the village of Sirukarumbur, there is a weird carving. Again, it shows an unborn baby, a fetus, inside the womb, in the fetal position. These carvings of fetuses are found in several ancient temples, but this carving gives us some spectacular details. It was originally said to be in the main chamber of the temple, and it has a hole on top, where a specific concoction will be poured inside as a ritual, as though they are nourishing the fetus. Now, what is more interesting is that, the main chamber of every Hindu temple is called Garbagriha in Sanskrit language, and Karuvarai in Tamil language. Both these words mean one and one thing only: Uterus or Womb. Why would a temple’s central chamber, the sanctum sanctorum be called the womb? How is it related to pregnancy?

I haven’t fully understood this yet, but Hindu temples seem to be very closely related to Pregnancy. I have shown you what happens inside the body. But what happens outside? Is it carved in Hindu temples? There are thousands of carvings showing pregnancy in Hindu temples, in fact with the data I have collected, I am now able to even classify them. This is between 0 – 3 months, the first trimester. Some are between 3 – 6 months or 2nd trimester, and lots of carvings show the last trimester, because it is the most eye-catching. But, before we go look at the delivery and other interesting information, when a woman got pregnant in ancient times, how did they confirm if she is pregnant? Today, doctors do an ultrasound by putting a device on a woman’s belly to see the baby and its developments. This is considered the pinnacle of technology.

However, a very similar carving is found in an ancient Hindu temple in Cambodia. Here a doctor is seen holding a very similar device on the belly of a woman, doing the exact same test, checking for pregnancy. Archeologists confirm this carving is more than 900 years old. Is it possible that such a device existed in ancient times? Are we inventing new machines, or are we simply re-inventing ancient machines?

But how was such a technology possible in ancient times? Did ancient people at least know about human anatomy? It is well known that ancient builders carved things very accurately in Hindu temples. Look at the Toes, and look at the fingernails, their attention to human anatomy is stunning. You can see the veins, arteries and individual strands of hair, all of them carved in ancient times. Ok, I know some of you will think, this is what artists do, these guys were master sculptors and they just wanted to show these details because they wanted to be accurate and loved their jobs to make things look realistic and beautiful. But how beautiful is this?

Currently placed in the Museum of Allahabad, archeologists confirm that this is an ancient artifact, a model showing the intestine of a male human body. Experts have dated this to 2nd century A.D, so it is about 1,800 years old. This was absolutely not done for beauty, they were definitely studying human anatomy, for scientific purposes. Is it possible, that ancient Indians were not only studying anatomy but were also performing surgeries, just like today?

In the past decade, a revolutionary device has been created to detect breast cancer. It is a handheld, cup like device and it can be placed on the breast to check for cancer. Remarkably, in an ancient temple, the exact process is carved. A woman is holding a cone like device on her breast, clearly pressing it against the breast. She holds one finger on her face, a clear indication of thinking about her future, and tears are rolling down her eyes. Is it possible that this was an ancient, handheld cancer detecting device? How else can we explain this carving? Exactly how advanced were they? Since we can see carvings of sperm and ovum, the cell division and even ultrasound test for pregnancy, did they also study and use other advanced technology?

Believe it or not, in the ancient temple of SriRangam, I found a very strange carving. A woman is holding up her leg to facilitate a man who is implanting something into her womb. Initially when I was filming this, I thought she was delivering a baby. But look, her belly is completely flat, and her face shows no pain or happiness, so she is not delivering, she is not even pregnant. So, what is being implanted inside her womb?

The answer is found in the ancient text of Mahabharata, which explains the curious case of Krishna’s brother. After fertilization, an embryo was taken out of Krishna’s mother, and then implanted in the uterus of a surrogate mother. Today this process of inserting an embryo in a different womb is specifically called Gestational surrogacy. Until the last century, this would have sounded like magic, but with our technological advances, we cannot help but wonder: Did the ancient people use a similar technology, how else we can find such a carving with precise details and the matching description in an ancient text?

Compared to his brother, Krishna’s birth was only moderately complicated. His mother did not deliver him naturally, so they had to do a Caesarian or a C-Section Surgery. The ancient text describes this surgical procedure as “Shalya Prayoga” and the mother’s belly was slit open to bring Krishna into the world. Even today, in Krishna’s birth town, his birthday is celebrated in a very unique way. They will make thin cuts in a cucumber, and show baby Krishna coming out, to remember how he came into the world.  While modern experts claim Krishna as a fictional, mythological figure, many Hindus believe Krishna existed, just like Buddha. Even outside India, for example in Cambodia, Krishna’s mother is still revered as the God Mother in Cambodia.  You can find lots of thousand-year-old carvings, but carvings of her, may be a little too accurate. Can you see the problem here?

Yes, those three lines at the bottom of the belly, identical to the marks created by a modern C-section. Some of you may think these are stretch marks caused by pregnancy, but stretch marks are vertical, not horizontal, and you should find them all over the belly. However, C section marks are horizontal, and these marks are shown only on the lower abdomen, clearly portraying C section delivery. How did the sculptors know how to portray Krishna’s mother with these marks, if they had no knowledge of C Section? In fact, this mark is shown in many carvings of Devatas, or Godmothers, around many Hindu temples. This means in ancient times; C section surgeries must have been as common as today.

Ok, we have seen ultrasound, mammogram, embryo transfer and C-section. I know, you are dying to know if they had Test-Tube babies back then. If you are not familiar, today, an embryo is made outside the womb, in a test tube or a container, this process is called invitro fertilization or IVF.  And yes, in ancient Indian texts, there are plenty of examples of test tube babies. For example, the popular ancient saint Agastya, was a test tube baby. He was fertilized and completely grown in a container called Kumbh or Kumbham. But of course, you may think these are just modern interpretations, but there are ancient carvings showing baby Agastya, born out of a container. If you are watching this video between 2021 and 2035, you may think this is quite dramatic, you may think it is not possible to have a fully developed baby coming out of an artificial container. But if you are watching this video in the future, if you are watching it after 2035, you will have no problem with this, because we would have already progressed to this level of technology, we will be having babies delivered completely outside the human body, in an artificial womb.

What I find weirder, is that ancient texts are so accurate, they talk about the problems that arise because of these artificial methods. For example, Agastya was very short, he was not the same height as others because of this test tube system. Today, it is well known that, there is a possibility of multiple births when they use in vitro method, and ancient texts and temples describe this issue. They show twins, twins, triplets and quadruplets created because of artificial methods. Agastya himself had a twin brother. Also, a twin brother & sister called Kripi & Kripa were created using the test tube method & they were identical twins.

And this is very strange, because if the twins are male and female, experts have always maintained that they will not be identical. But now, Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, confirms that yes, 2 sperms can fertilize an egg, and yes you can have a boy and a girl looking nearly identical because of this.

But what is really fascinating is that, this process was understood and artificially produced more than a thousand years ago. We have ancient carvings showing this, where 2 sperms are fertilizing one egg and these types of identical twins are created. You can clearly see 2 sperms approaching, and entering a single egg. Did we once have a very advanced ancient civilization? Did it somehow get destroyed?

But the ancient Indians were more advanced than what we are today, because today, we fertilize the egg in a test tube, and then we implant it in the womb, but the ancient text of Mahabharata, explains a fully functional artificial womb that can hold the baby until its birth. According to the text, there were sophisticated structures called ‘Krutha Kumbh’ meaning containers supplied with life sustaining nutrients. And the text even mentions that these containers were supplied with nutrients, and the cells grew until they became fully developed babies.

All this is quite unbelievable, until you realize that scientists have developed and tested, fully functional, artificial wombs. Growing a baby completely outside the womb is now called ectogenesis. These artificial wombs have been tested on lambs and they are fully grown for 4 weeks, they develop a coat of fur, and scientists have confirmed that they have all parts of the body, fully developed without any issues. If law permits, they can build a complete artificial womb for humans.

Did ancient Indians also do the same? Did they take the sperm and egg and not only fertilize them, but also create these artificial wombs calls Kumbh, to grow the embryo into fully developed babies? But how did that Kumbh, the ancient artificial womb really look? In almost every ancient temple, inside the main chamber or the womb chamber, there will be strange carvings called the Kumbh.

This structure is usually carved secretly in deep, dark places of the main chamber, so the lighting is not good when I film them. I examined this one from the ancient temple at Hampi, The Kumbh or Kumbha does not look like a regular container, but a very very complex, sophisticated device. The bottom has a large oval chamber to hold the growing fetus. It has 2 handles or knobs attached to it on the left and right, perhaps for opening it, if needed. It seems to be having two large tube like structures attached on either side. And on the top, there is a cylinder attached. I shot this one in a different temple. Again, look at this Kumbh, remarkably similar to the one we saw before. Why are these strange structures carved in deep, dark parts of temples? What is more interesting is that, the entire structure has a long cylinder attached on top, which seems to have a type ventilation mechanism at the very top, to supply oxygen.

Modern scientists confirm these are the essential parts needed for an artificial womb, it needs an outer shell with a chamber to implant and protect the embryo. An artificial placenta to put the nutrients and oxygen in, and a way to transfer Carbon dioxide and waste products out.

Do you know scientists are building a tiny ECMO device? A device that allows blood to be oxygenated outside the body. According to this plan, the device will blend gases and oxygenate the fetus, and they will have artificial placenta to remove the Carbon dioxide, and the waste from the womb. This seems to be the exact design of the ancient Kumbh as well.

Remember I showed you a temple before – in it, there are carvings of how the cells divide, first a single cell, then it becomes 2, and then it starts becoming four? In the same temple, there is a Kumbh carved there, and there is something fantastic. Inside the Kumbh, you can see cells growing. It clearly shows how the cells are starting to divide more and  more and are growing in this Kumbh, but it is this specific shape that surprises me.  It looks familiar, doesn’t it? Because you studied this in high school, this is the pistil, the female reproductive organ in plants. I mean this is remarkable, today we know the pistil contains the egg at the bottom, and it will get fertilized when a sperm cell comes from the top and cell division starts to happen. But how can be this carved in a temple? We know ancient people were studying human anatomy, but were ancient Indians also studying plants and animals, and how they reproduce?

Here is a carving that is at least a thousand years old in a temple called Kediliyappar temple.  The details are shocking: An elephant is trying to give birth, but it is being assisted by other elephants. Look how one elephant is using its trunk and pushing it against the pregnant elephant’s belly, just like human beings do. And see how another elephant is holding the tail up, to facilitate the baby elephant come out without any hurdles. Other elephants are waiting and watching to see if she needs more help. The baby elephant is eagerly coming out to see the world.

Of course, we can’t help but think, this is pure imagination, right? Do other elephants actually help a pregnant elephant deliver her baby? I thought the same, until I watched this clip. Here you can see how they behave in the wild, there is a group of elephants helping the mother elephant deliver the baby. An elephant is even holding the tail up, this means that ancient people were studying the reproductive behaviors of animals.

Now, look at this carving of a human delivering a baby, again found in an ancient temple. The woman is in standing position, the baby is coming out and she is assisted by other humans. Very very similar behavior between 2 species of mammals. If you had seen this carving, before seeing the carving of the elephant, you would have had a completely different perspective, you may have thought that sculptors liked to carve what they saw in their society. But when you see them side by side, you cannot help but wonder, were they systematically studying and documenting the reproductive behaviors of all animals, including humans?

Today, scientists observe the behaviors of animals like rats, pigs and chimpanzees, this is one of the fundamental reasons, why we are able to understand the human body and mind better. Were ancient builders also doing the same?

Were they categorically documenting these behaviors in carvings? Not just reproductive behaviors, all behaviors, including social and personal behaviors. For example, you can see carvings of monkeys sitting in a meditating pose. But this is pure nonsense right, because monkeys do not meditate, they don’t have any consciousness. At least that is what we thought until the last few years. Now, look at this video, here you can see a monkey in a meditating pose, this is real. We don’t know if the monkey is actually meditating or not, but they do sit like this sometimes. Now we realize, these carvings are not showing some fictional stuff, these guys were actually studying the behavior of animals quite well. Another way to put this, is accepting that, today’s experts have not yet studied and understood the behaviors of animals fully, and with the advent of camera phones, we have learnt more about animals in the last 5 years, than what experts learnt in the last 50 years.

So, why did they document the pregnancy and delivery of animals, just like human beings? Why do scientists observe rats in labs today? To improve the lifestyle of rats? No, they do it to improve human lifestyle.  Is it possible that ancient people were also studying animals to make similar improvements for humans? Earlier I showed you how an embryo was artificially placed inside a woman’s womb. But there is yet another strange carving found in an ancient temple.

Here we can see the female who is may be 6 or 7 months pregnant and there is a man standing beneath her. We can clearly see that this man is holding a cylindrical probe like device, one end is inserted into her reproductive organ, and he is looking inside on the other end. His one eye is clearly placed on this end of the device. Today we use the exact same technology, and this device is called a transvaginal ultrasound, and it is used to check the heartbeat of the fetus, and gynecologists use this to monitor pregnancies with a higher risk. The only difference is, now, instead of looking directly using a lens, we place a camera, and look at it using a monitor. So, this is absolute proof, of how advanced ancient technology was in India, especially in the medical field.

Let’s take a look this ancient carving, it is just brilliant. We can see a pregnant lady, and the baby is going to start coming out any minute now. Look at the woman’s face, she is gritting her teeth, we can almost hear her grunt, trying to push out the baby. Look at the clothes on the rest of the women, you can see them clearly, but for this woman, it is not there, because she can deliver anytime now. But you know what is really fascinating to me, she has a safety net between her legs. Look, if the baby suddenly falls because of gravity, there is safety net to hold the baby and make sure the baby does not hit the ground. This is fantastic. Now, the pregnant woman’s arms are on the shoulders of 2 other females who are helping her push the baby out. But there is another woman, a doctor, thinking.  See how they have shown a finger on her face, a classic expression of trying to decide the right course of action. Perhaps the baby is not head down, it needs to be turned. Here is another woman, clearly holding some medicine, to reduce the pain of labor. In modern terminology, we have an anesthesiologist reducing the pain, a gynecologist or an obstetrician to monitor the situation and a couple of nurses to ensure a smooth delivery. Archeologists confirm that this carving at Darasuram temple was created 850 years ago.

In a way, this is funny, because western archeologists used to look at carvings like this, and used to comment that this is a primitive and a crude delivery scenario. Where is the bed? And why isn’t the woman lying down, why is she standing? Today, more and more doctors are recommending a standing delivery. Apart from the obvious benefit of gravity to help the baby descend, they say there is better oxygenation of the baby, as the veins and aorta are not compressed by the pregnant uterus. They also say, the contractions will be more efficient, the labor will be shorter and less painful, and fewer forceps, vacuum births and other huge advantages if a woman delivers in the standing position.

Perhaps, all we need is a different perspective to see the reality of our ancient past. We have been repeatedly taught that we are, right now, at the pinnacle of human development, and ancient people were really primitive people. We are brainwashed right from the childhood, with television programs, text books, and even today’s social media. What we have to do, is look at the ancient evidences in a different angle, because it is obvious that what we are taught in books does not match what we see here.  It is clear that they actually preferred a standing delivery simply because it was a better method, the ancient people were just a little bit more advanced than us.

And they have also experimented with women lying down, we do see carvings of lying on the back deliveries, and believe it or not, we even have depictions of complications, this shows breech delivery, you can see the baby is coming out with legs first and head last.

And what would have happened if there were complications, if the child is still born? What if the child has come out but it is not breathing and there is no heartbeat? In the ancient Hoysaleswara temple built at least 900 years ago, we can see something crazy. A doctor has a baby on his lap, the baby appears motionless as though its heart is not beating.  The doctor has a strange dumb bell like device in his hand and is pressing it against the baby’s body. But look how they have carved the details, it is placed on the left side of the baby’s chest, exactly on top of the heart. Is he giving CPR to a stillborn baby? Do you know, in the last few years, we have invented a groundbreaking, lifesaving, modern device called a cardio pump? Are we going to ignore how this “state-of-the-art” device also has dumb bell shape, exactly like the one in the ancient carving?

So, you can see, they were using advanced technology completely from start to finish. From the time before conception, all the way until after the baby was born, technology was involved.

But ancient Indians appear to be equally superstitious, they had many strange and barbaric rituals when a baby was born. But this is not a thing of the past, India is perhaps the only country where these age-old rituals are still continued today, even after thousands of years. In remote parts of South India, babies are delivered by traditional doctors. These doctors have never been to school, they have learnt their techniques from their mothers, who learnt it from their grandmothers and so on.

As soon as the baby is born, a strange ritual is performed. The doctor will take the umbilical cord, and also remove the blood inside the cord, and keep it in a container. Then, she will mix a secret ingredient, and everything will be put into a small airtight vial, called Thayathu.

So where do you buy this vial, right? It is actually available in all the country stores which sell traditional items in South India. It costs like 50 rupees, less than a dollar, and some people buy this today and simply wear them, thinking that it has magical properties. They don’t even realize that it is a container, you can open it, on both sides, and you can put something inside.  It is actually quite a sophisticated vial, and the name Thaayathu actually means “Cut from the mother” Thaai means mother, and Athu means Cut off, And what do you cut off from your mother, the umbilical cord. So, the traditional doctor will store the cord blood of the umbilical cord inside this, as soon as the baby is born.

This vial will be kept safely by the doctor. On the 28th day after the birth, a grand ceremony called Aranjanam or Araijan Kayiru is celebrated. A waist band like ornament, made of gold or thick black thread is tied around the waist of the baby.

 And this vial will be attached to this waistband, as a part of this ceremony. As the baby grows, he or she will continue to change the waistband because the thread has to become bigger, but they are not allowed to change the vial and they must keep the same old vial forever, and attach it to their newer waist bands. This waist band ceremony is even mentioned in the oldest Tamil text called Tolkappiyam, so this weird ritual is thousands of years old.

But in the last few centuries, when civilized people started to come to India, they were not amused at this barbaric practice. Saving the blood from umbilical cords of babies and making them wear this for life? Hindus were pictured as barbaric, ignorant and superstitious. So, most Indians gave up this practice, and they don’t have these vials and have don’t wear this thread anymore, except in remote parts of South India.

And then suddenly, in the last few years, there is a ground breaking new technology called Stem Cell technology. If you go to a big hospital now for delivery of a baby, doctors will ask you “Do you want to preserve the cord blood of the baby?” What is this Cord Blood, what is this stem cell technology? The blood from the umbilical cord. now experts confirm that stem cells are special cells found in the umbilical cord, and we can cure deadly diseases including cancer, if we preserve these cells. So if a baby is born today, and doctors preserve its stem cells, 50 years later, if that 50 year old man gets cancer, they can use his stem cells to cure him.

Is it possible that ancient Indians were also using the same technology? Did every person carry their own stem cells in these vials? Think about it, even historians agree that ancient Indians like Cholas travelled thousands of miles and conquered distant lands. If a person gets injured, or gets a grave disease, what better place to retrieve the stem cells? He must, of course, carry this with him at all times. The full ancient system & knowledge must have been slowly destroyed over a long period of time, even the traditional doctors know very little now. But even today, if the person gets bit by a poisonous snake, they will open this vial, mix it with milk, and it will save the person’s life. Even these doctors think it is some kind of magic, as the knowledge of ancient stem cell technology is lost.

Of course, some of you will say, “well stem cells must be in a freezer, so this is nonsense”, again just be patient for a few more decades, and scientists will come up with a totally new way of preserving them, without freezing them. If the Indian Government is smart, they should look into the “secret ingredient” added in the vial, that may have the key to preserving cells.

How could ancient Hindus possibly know about this? If they knew about stem cells, did they also perform cloning? We all know cloning is the process of creating an exact replica of someone, just by taking one cell. In 1997, the very first successful clone was achieved. Scientists took just one cell from the udder of a sheep, and then cloned it into an entirely new sheep and called it Dolly. Dolly looked no different from a regular sheep and lived for six and a half years. Now, scientists confirm that they can take a few cells from your skin and make an exact replica of you, if the law permits.

But the exact same process is mentioned in the oldest Vedic text, called Rig Veda. In here, three guys, collectively known as Ribhus, wanted to create a cow, so they peel a little bit of skin from the cow, and then clone it into an identical cow. They were Cloning. But they do something that is even more interesting. They find an older man who could not remember things, and had lost all his practical skills. So, they bring back his memory power and he then remembers all his skills. Today, this process is called therapeutic cloning, specifically designed to resolve Alzheimer’s disease and scientists are now able to make elderly patients remember and regain their skills. Are we really inventing new technology, or did this exist in ancient times?

If so, did they also work on DNA?? Is there any evidence to prove this? Ancient Hindu temples are full of mysterious symbols resembling the double helix structure of DNA. Not in just one or two sites, this symbol is nearly found in all ancient temples. In a previous video, I decoded one aspect of the Nagas, but it is nearly impossible not to think of DNA strands when you see this. Why were ancient Hindus carving this everywhere?

But it gets more interesting, because sometimes they are not just snakes. For example, this 11th century artifact is found in Bhopal Museum, here we can see 2 figures who are partially human, and then their tails are tangled up, symbolizing the DNA. Is it a symbol of DNA manipulation or genetic modification or something like that? Are humans purely a product of evolution or were we genetically modified at some point in time? Today we are making new species like Liger, by uniting a Lion and Tiger. Were human beings also created or modified using this technology? Why do we see 3% of Neanderthal DNA in human beings? How did our DNA evolve dramatically, was it modified artificially in ancient times, just like how we are making GMO or Genetically Modified Organisms, today? How did human beings alone evolve to the level of reaching Mars, while chimpanzees which have 98% of the same DNA are still using sticks and stones?

Here is an ancient carving, you can see a fish at the bottom, what is remarkable is that we can see a type of long, twisted strand coming out of its mouth, and on the top, we can see a strange amphibian or reptile like animal emerging. Is it possible that ancient builders are showing that amphibians and reptiles evolved from fish? What else can this be?

But this is crazy, right? Because first of all, DNA is very very tiny. The diameter of DNA is only about 2 nanometers. 1 nanometer is 1 billionth of a meter. And this is so small you cannot even visualize how small it is, for example if you take one human hair, it has a diameter of 100,000 nanometers, so you can understand how small 1 nanometer is.  So, it is a wild claim that ancient people were able to see such small dimensions, and manipulated tiny DNA strands. To even consider this as a possibility, we need actual, physical evidence, that ancient Indians understood and used Nanotechnology.

But surprisingly, such an evidence has emerged from an ancient archeological site called Keeladi in South India. Even by conservative estimate, this site is at least 2,600 years old. And what archeologists have found here has baffled all experts. The carbon tubes found here show that ancient people were able to synthesize carbon structures accurately to less than 1 nanometer, this is smaller than the diameter of a DNA strand. Experts confirm that yes, they have used nanotechnology at least 2,600 years ago. So, we have actual, physical evidence proving ancient Indians had the capability to process and manipulate something as small as DNA.

Today, we collect DNA samples, and use a machine called centrifuge. In simpler terms, we need to rotate DNA samples at high speed. Why? Because the weight of DNA is lesser than the rest of the cell material. So, by spinning the sample with centrifuge, we can get separate the DNA alone. Now, bioengineers from Stanford have developed a handheld centrifuge where you can place multiple vials and rotate them at high speed. You don’t even need electricity to centrifuge samples in this handheld device. But did ancient Indians also use the same centrifuge technology? Here is a man holding a circular device. Around it, there are multiple slots to hold various samples. Even more interesting, the man appears to be looking at his wrist watch, as though he is timing the centrifuge device, just like how we use a timer today. Are all these carvings mere coincidences, or were ancient people involved in genetic modification and DNA manipulation?

Now, I have shown you evidence after evidence, from ancient carvings, ancient texts, archeological artifacts, age old rituals etc. You can tell, that I gathered this information after visiting many many ancient sites, and researching for many years. But let us say I am wrong about 25 % of this, let’s say I misunderstood 25% of this stuff. Actually, let’s inverse that, let’s even claim that I am wrong 75%, and only 25% of this information is accurate.  But even that, is very big, the evidences I have shown you, even if 25% is accurate, that actually proves that there was very advanced technology, during ancient times. We have to admit what we read in history books, is not the whole picture. And there is a huge chunk of ancient history that is deliberately hidden from us.

Praveen Mohan